lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011


Last March 12 2011, ARTO - Art Beyond Museums collaborated with Festival Nrmal 2011 in a whole new project called "El Panorámico". The purpose was to build a scale billboard that could be intervened while the public was entering the festival. This broadening the idea of ARTO to take art out of the museums and give back ART TO THE PEOPLE.
"El Panorámico" resembles one of the favorite illegal spots of intervention for the graffiti movement. BUSTER was the artist invited to paint the billboard on this occasion. He is very well know for his work around México and in the south of the United States, being an inspiration for other young graffiti artists around the country.
BUSTER previous billboard interventions
POEEKZ worked alongside with BUSTER during the intervention of "El Panorámico". Both have worked together many times during these years.
Special thnx to: Pol * IFC for supporting the project and Nrmal for letting us participate in the festival.